Mullberry Cloud
"The Mulberry Cloud" is a delectable assortment of pink roses, white spray roses, and pink lily in a deep velvet Mulberry colored cylinder box. We offer this Arrangement is 3 sizes, the diameter of the box as well as the number of florals increases with each size.
Our standard size is designed around 7 roses, with supporting florals
Our Deluxe size is designed around 10 roses in a Medium sized box with an increase of supporting florals
Our Premium size is designed around 1 dozen roses, in a large box with a sizable increase of supporting florals.
Appropriate substitutions for this arrangement would be florals in shades of light pinks or white Including: white or light pink lisianthus, white stock, white lily, light pink spray rose, light pink or white hydrangea, white or light pink Ranunculus. Container substitutions may include a similarly toned berry shade box.
If substitutions are necessary our florist will select the most beautiful florals that match the look and feel of this arrangement.
All prices in USD ($)
Standard - $75.00
Deluxe - $85.00
Premium - $120.00